miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

wxPython example. A jigsaw puzzle (3). MS Windows a double buffer

This is a continuation of the previous two entries. I finally got the chance of testing the puzzle on windows and it didn't show properly it flicked a lot. Then I learn that the Windows platform doesn't implement a double buffer so I have to do it.
The idea is painting to a bitmap and then copy it to the DC on the OnPaint event. This solution improved a lot the way application was shown it didn't removed he flicks completely.
After some research I found the solution by capturing the EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event and do nothing with it. This fixed all the issues. It also important to call the Update method after the Refresh.

The new board.py code is:


import wx
import stateDB
import rectangle

class Board(wx.Panel):
boardId = 77
def __init__ (self, parent, pieces, count, seconds, allowRotation=True):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)

self.db = stateDB.StateDB()

self.pieces = pieces
self.dragged = None
self.count = count
self.completed = False

self.seconds = seconds
self.timer = wx.Timer (self, wx.ID_ANY)
self.Bind (wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer, self.timer)
self.timer.Start (1000, False)
self.printStatus ()

self.Bind (wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
self.Bind (wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
self.Bind (wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
self.Bind (wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnDown)
self.Bind (wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnUp)
self.Bind (wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMouseMotion)
if allowRotation:
self.Bind (wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRight)

def SaveStatus(self):
self.db.initiateDB ()
self.db.saveEverything (Board.boardId, self.count, self.seconds, \

def printStatus (self):
mins = self.seconds%(60*60)/60
minStr = str(mins)
if (mins < 10):
minStr = '0' + minStr
secs = self.seconds%60
secStr = str(secs)
if (secs < 10):
secStr = '0' + secStr
timeStr = str(self.seconds/(60*60)) + ':' + minStr + ':' + secStr

if self.completed:
status = 'Completed: ' + timeStr
status = str(self.count) + ': ' + timeStr
self.GetParent().statusbar.SetStatusText (status)

def OnTimer (self, e):
if not self.completed:
self.seconds += 1
self.printStatus ()

def OnEraseBackground (self, e):
""" To avoid flickering in windows"""

def OnPaint (self, e):
dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self._Buffer, wx.BUFFER_VIRTUAL_AREA)

def draw (self, dc):
dc.Clear ()
for p in self.pieces:
p.drawPiece (dc)

def UpdateDrawing (self):
dc = wx.MemoryDC ()
dc.SelectObject (self._Buffer)
self.draw (dc)
del dc
self.Refresh ()
self.Update ()

def OnSize (self, e):
s = self.ClientSize
self._Buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap (*s)
self.UpdateDrawing ()

def OnDown (self, e):
mousePos = e.GetPosition()

# The iteration is reversed so the piece on top is choosen
indexes = range(len(self.pieces))
for i in indexes:
if self.pieces[i].checkPointInPiece (mousePos):
# Put the selected at the end of the list so it's painted the last
p = self.pieces[i]
del self.pieces[i]
self.dragged = len(self.pieces) -1

def OnUp (self, e):
if self.dragged != None:
mousePos = e.GetPosition()
for i in range(len(self.pieces)):
if (self.dragged != i):
if self.pieces[self.dragged].checkPieceMatch (\
del self.pieces[i]
self.UpdateDrawing ()
self.count += 1
self.printStatus ()
self.SaveStatus ()
if len(self.pieces) == 1:
if (self.pieces[0].getOrientation() ==\
self.db.RemoveDBFile ()
self.completed = True
self.printStatus ()

self.dragged = None

def OnMouseMotion (self, e):
if self.dragged != None:
mousePos = e.GetPosition()
self.pieces[self.dragged].movePiece (mousePos)
self.UpdateDrawing ()

def OnRight (self, e):
mousePos = e.GetPosition()
indexes = range(len(self.pieces))
for i in indexes:
if self.pieces[i].checkPointInPiece (mousePos):
newPos = self.pieces[i].calculateCenterPosition()
self.pieces[i].changeRelPosition (newPos)
self.pieces[i].checkPointInPiece (mousePos)
self.UpdateDrawing ()
if len(self.pieces) == 1:
if (self.pieces[0].getOrientation() == \
self.completed = True
self.printStatus ()

class Puzzle (wx.Frame):
def __init__ (self, parent, id, title, pieces, boardSize, count,
seconds, allowRotation=True):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=boardSize)

self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar()
self.board = Board(self, pieces, count, seconds, allowRotation)


martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

wxPython example. A jigsaw puzzle (2)

Continuing with the previous post I created another puzzle, but this time the pieces has the shape of the mainland Spain provinces. I think is a fun way to learn geography and can be used for any map.

The code is basically what described in the previous post. The only difference is the way the pieces masks are created. I did it manually with gimp. For example:

The main file of the application, which I call prov.py, has the following code:


import board
import stateDB
import rectangle
import piece
import wx
import random

# Id, image, mask, size, top-left positions, relations
provinceList = [
[1, 'coruna.png', 'corunaMask.png', (106, 96), (0,0), [2, 3] ],
[2, 'lugo.png', 'lugoMask.png', (72, 119), (82,0), [1, 3, 4, 5, 37 ]],
[3, 'pontevedra.png', 'pontevedraMask.png', (70, 79), (17, 73), [1,2,4]],
[4, 'orense.png', 'orenseMask.png', (97, 70), (60,94), [2, 3, 25, 37]],
[5, 'asturias.png', 'asturiasMask.png', (159, 66), (134,11), [2,6, 37]],
[6, 'cantabria.png', 'cantabriaMask.png', (104,64), (274, 25), [5,7, 37,
40, 41]],
[7, 'vizcaya.png', 'vizcayaMask.png', (68, 35), (356,32), [6, 8, 9, 40]],
[8, 'guipuzcoa.png', 'guipuzcoaMask.png', (50, 42), (412,34), [7, 9, 10]],
[9, 'alava.png','alavaMask.png', (62, 60), (372, 52), [8, 7, 10, 39, 40 ]],
[10, 'navarra.png', 'navarraMask.png', (102, 116), (423, 38), [8,9, 11,
12, 39]],
[11, 'huesca.png', 'huescaMask.png', (112, 126), (511,69), [10, 12, 14 ]],
[12, 'zaragoza.png', 'zaragozaMask.png', (160, 147), (441, 85), [11, 10,
13, 14, 17, 18, 38]],
[13, 'teruel.png', 'teruelMask.png', (132, 122), (464, 197), [12, 17, 18,
33, 34, 35]],
[14, 'lleida.png', 'lleidaMask.png', (93,133), (596, 69), [ 11, 12, 15,
16, 17]],
[15, 'girona.png', 'gironaMask.png', (94, 72), (683,89), [ 14, 16 ]],
[16, 'barcelona.png', 'barcelonaMask.png', (85, 96), (662, 108), [14, 15,
[17, 'tarra.png', 'tarraMask.png', (93,91), (589,169), [16, 14, 13, 12,
[18, 'guada.png', 'guadaMask.png', (127, 95), (354, 202), [ 13, 12, 19,
35, 38, 43]],
[19, 'madrid.png', 'madridMask.png', (101,100), (287, 219), [18, 20, 35,
43, 44]],
[20, 'avila.png', 'avilaMask.png', (103,91), (212,216), [19, 21, 24, 42,
43, 44]],
[21, 'caceres.png', 'caceresMask.png', (165, 119), (96, 270), [20, 22,
24, 44]],
[22, 'badajoz.png', 'badajozMask.png', (177,125), (106, 352), [21, 23, 26,
44, 45, 47]],
[23, 'huelva.png', 'huelvaMask.png', (91,112), (87, 456), [22, 26 ]],
[24, 'salamanca.png', 'salamancaMask.png',(113, 94), (141,198), [20, 21,
25, 42 ]],
[25, 'zamora.png', 'zamoraMask.png',(111, 84), (136,127), [24, 4, 37, 42 ]],
[26, 'sevilla.png', 'sevillaMask.png',(128, 116), (153, 456), [22, 23,
27, 28, 47 ]],
[27, 'cadiz.png', 'cadizMask.png', (96,84), (154, 555), [26, 28]],
[28, 'malaga.png', 'malagaMask.png', (122,84), (221, 532), [27, 26, 29,
[29, 'granada.png', 'granadaMask.png', (138,117), (303, 466), [28,30, 31,
36, 46, 47]],
[30, 'almeria.png', 'almeriaMask.png', (105,103), (381, 480), [29, 31]],
[31, 'murcia.png', 'murciaMask.png', (108, 114), (434, 410), [29, 32, 36]],
[32, 'alicante.png', 'alicanteMask.png', (81,92), (520,391), [31, 33, 36]],
[33, 'valencia.png', 'valenciaMask.png', (95,121), (485,292), [32, 13, 34,
35, 36]],
[34, 'castellon.png', 'castellonMask.png', (86,89), (526,242), [33, 13,
[35, 'cuenca.png', 'cuencaMask.png', (132, 118), (376, 256), [18, 19, 13,
33, 36, 44, 45]],
[36, 'albacete.png', 'albaceteMask.png', (129,119), (397, 354), [35, 29,
36, 32, 33, 31, 45, 46]],
[37, 'leon.png', 'leonMask.png', (143, 102), (138, 50), [2, 4, 25, 5, 6,
41, 42]],
[38, 'soria.png', 'soriaMask.png', (107, 89), (358,136), [12, 18, 39, 40,
43 ]],
[39, 'rioja.png', 'riojaMask.png', (83,55), (383, 96), [38, 9, 10, 40]],
[40, 'burgos.png', 'burgosMask.png', (110,141), (306,52), [39, 38, 6, 7,
9, 41, 42, 43]],
[41, 'palencia.png', 'palenciaMask.png', (70,100), (262,65), [37, 6, 40,
42 ]],
[42, 'valla.png', 'vallaMask.png', (96,98), (235, 125), [37, 40, 41, 20,
25, 24, 43]],
[43, 'segovia.png', 'segoviaMask.png', (92,78), (280, 185), [42, 40, 38,
18, 19, 20]],
[44, 'toledo.png', 'toledoMask.png', (160, 83), (233, 287), [35,21, 22,
19, 20, 45]],
[45, 'creal.png', 'crealMask.png', (158, 103), (255, 344), [44, 36, 35,
22, 46, 47 ]],
[46, 'Jaen.png', 'JaenMask.png', (122, 98), (306, 430), [45, 36, 29, 47]],
[47, 'cordoba.png', 'cordobaMask.png', (109,129), (218,412), [46, 45, 26,
28, 29, 22]]

def createPieceList (provinceList, boardSize):
pieces = []

for entry in provinceList:
im = wx.Image (entry[1])
mask = wx.Image (entry[2])
im.SetMaskFromImage (mask, 255, 255, 255)

rels = []
# Calculate the relations
for related in entry[5]:
index = related -1
difX = provinceList [index][4][0] - entry[4][0]
difY = provinceList [index][4][1] - entry[4][1]
rel = [related, (difX, difY), 0, 0]
rels.append (rel)

rec = rectangle.Rectangle (entry[0], (im, mask), entry[3],
rels, 0, 0)
p = piece.Piece (entry[0])
p.addRectangle (rec, (0, 0))
pieces.append (p)

for i in range (len(pieces)):
pieces[i].setPosition ( (random.randint (10, boardSize[0] - 300),\
random.randint(10, boardSize[1] - 300)))
#pieces[i].setOrientation (rectangle.getRandomOrientation())

# Re-order the list so we don't always get the same provinces on top
random.shuffle (pieces)

return pieces

boardSize = (1000, 800)
app = wx.App ()
db = stateDB.StateDB()
count = -1
seconds = 0

if db.isThereADBFile ():
count, seconds, pieces = db.readBoard (board.Board.boardId)

if count <=0:
pieces= createPieceList (provinceList, boardSize)
count = 0

board.Puzzle(None, -1, 'Spain mainland provinces', pieces, boardSize, count,
seconds, False)

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

wxPython example. A jigsaw puzzle

I've been teaching myself a bit about python and sqlite. To do so I have created a puzzle. The thing is pretty basic so far but it's playable. You can use any picture and the pieces are created automatically. The pieces are dragged by pressing the mouse left button and dropped when released. They are rotated with the right button.

I've tested it in Linux and Mac and it should work in Windows as well. You may need to install python and wxWidgets. The Mac version wxPython is only supported for 32bits so you must define the foillowing variable before executing:


The basic element of the puzzle is a rectangle. A rectangle has an image, a mask and they store the relative position of other rectangles. They can be moved around and rotated. The following code must be included in a file called rectangle.py.

import math
import wx
import random

class Orientation (object):
or0 = 0
or90 = 1
or180 = 2
or270 = 3

def rotateImage (orientation, im):
imAux = im
for i in range (orientation):
imAux = imAux.Rotate90 (True)

return imAux

def rotateRelPosition (orientation, pos, compX, compY):
posAux = pos

if orientation == Orientation.or90:
posAux =(-posAux[1] - compY, posAux[0])
elif orientation == Orientation.or180:
posAux =(-posAux[0] - compX, -posAux[1] - compY)
elif orientation == Orientation.or270:
posAux =(posAux[1], - posAux[0] - compX)

#for i in range (orientation):
# posAux = (-posAux[1], posAux[0])
return posAux

def rotateSize (orientation, size):
sizeAux = size
if (orientation == Orientation.or90 or orientation == Orientation.or270):
sizeAux = (sizeAux[1], sizeAux[0])
return sizeAux

def nextOrientation (orientation):
if orientation == Orientation.or270:
orientation = Orientation.or0
orientation +=1
return orientation

def getRandomOrientation ():
return random.randint (Orientation.or0, Orientation.or270)

class Rectangle (object):
def __init__ (self, id, im, size, relations, compX, compY):
self.id = id
self.image = im[0]
self.mask = im[1]
self.size = size
self.relations = relations
self.position = (0,0)
self.orientation = Orientation.or0
self.compX = compX
self.compY = compY

def __str__ (self):
rectStr = "Rectangle " + str(self.id) + " size: " + str(self.size) + \
", pos: " + str(self.position) + ", comp: " + \
str((self.compX, self.compY))+ ", or: " + \
str(self.orientation) + ", rel: " + str(self.relations)
return rectStr

def setPosition (self, pos):
self.position = pos

def setOrientation (self, ort):
self.orientation = ort

def getCompX (self):

def getCompY (self):

def incrementOrientation (self):
self.orientation = nextOrientation (self.orientation)

def removeRelations(self, id):
index = 0
for index in range(len(self.relations)):
if self.relations[index][0] == id:
del self.relations[index]

def getId (self):
return self.id

def getImage (self):
return self.image

def getMask (self):
return self.mask

def getSize (self):
return self.size

def getPosition (self):
return self.position

def getOrientation (self):
return self.orientation

def getAbsolutePosition (self, absPosition):
relPos = rotateRelPosition (self.orientation, self.position,
self.compX, self.compY)
return (( absPosition[0] + relPos[0],\
absPosition[1] + relPos[1]))

def drawRectangle (self, absPosition, dc):
absPos = self.getAbsolutePosition (absPosition)
im = rotateImage (self.orientation, self.image)
dc.DrawBitmap ( wx.BitmapFromImage(im), absPos[0],\
absPos[1], True)

def changeRelPosition (self, shift):
self.position = ( self.position[0] - shift[0], \
self.position[1] - shift[1])

def checkPointInRectangle (self, absPosition, point):
""" Returns the relative position of the point. """
retVal = False

relPos = (0, 0)
absPos = self.getAbsolutePosition (absPosition)

rotatedSize = rotateSize (self.orientation, self.size)

if (point[0] >= absPos[0]) and \
(point[0] < absPos[0] + rotatedSize[0]) and \
(point[1] >= absPos[1]) and \
(point[1] < absPos[1] + rotatedSize[1]):
retVal = True
relPos = (point[0] - absPos[0] + self.position[0],
point[1] - absPos[1] + self.position[1])

return (retVal, relPos)

def checkRectagleMatch (self, absPosition, id, pos):
""" Checks if another rectangle matches.
id, the id of the other rectangle
pos, the absolute position of the other rectangle.
The function returns the relative position of the other rectangle
with respect to this piece."""
retVal = False
relPos = (0, 0)
absPos = self.getAbsolutePosition (absPosition)
for rel in self.relations:
if rel[0] == id:
rotatedRel = rotateRelPosition (self.orientation, rel[1],\
rel[2], rel[3])
absPos = (absPos[0] + rotatedRel[0], absPos[1] + rotatedRel[1])

distX = pos[0] - absPos[0]
distY = pos[1] - absPos[1]

if (math.sqrt((distX * distX) + (distY * distY)) < 4.0):
retVal = True
relPos= (self.position[0] + rel[1][0],\
self.position[1] + rel[1][1])

return retVal, relPos

The next element of the puzzle are the pieces. A piece contains one or more rectangles. The number of pieces gets reduces as the puzzle is solved. The code should be put in a file called piece.py.

import rectangle
import wx

class Piece(object):
def __init__ (self, id):
self.id = id
self.pos = (0,0)
self.mousePos = (0, 0)
self.rectangles = []
self.orientation = rectangle.Orientation.or0

def __str__ (self):
pieceStr = 'Piece ' + str(self.id) + ' pos: ' + str(self.pos) + \
' mousePos: ' + str(self.mousePos) + ' or: '+\
str(self.orientation) + ' , rect:\n'
for rect in self.rectangles:
pieceStr += str(rect) + '\n'
return pieceStr

def getId (self):
return self.id

def getPosition (self):
return (self.pos)

def setPosition (self, pos):
self.pos = pos

def setOrientation (self, ort):
self.orientation = ort
for index in range(len(self.rectangles)):
self.rectangles[index].setOrientation (ort)

def addRectangle (self, rect, relPos):
for index in range(len(self.rectangles)):
self.rectangles[index].removeRelations (rect.getId())

for index in range(len(self.rectangles)):

rect.setPosition (relPos)
self.rectangles.append (rect)

def getNoOfRectangles (self):
return len (self.rectangles)

def getRectangle (self, i):
return self.rectangles[i]

def getRectangleId (self, i):
return self.rectangles[i].getId ()

def getRectangleAbsPos (self, i):
return self.rectangles[i].getAbsolutePosition (self.pos)

def changeRelPosition (self, shift):
for rect in self.rectangles:
rect.changeRelPosition (shift)

def calculateCenterPosition (self):
maxLeft = 0
maxRight = 0
maxTop = 0
maxBottom = 0
for rect in self.rectangles:
x = rect.getPosition()[0]
if maxLeft > x:
maxLeft = x
elif maxRight < x:
maxRight = x
y = rect.getPosition()[1]
if maxTop > y:
maxTop = y
elif maxBottom < y:
maxBottom = y

c = ((maxLeft + maxRight) / 2, (maxTop + maxBottom)/2)
return c

def drawPiece (self, dc):
for rect in self.rectangles:
rect.drawRectangle (self.pos, dc)

def checkPointInPiece (self, point):
retVal = False
for rect in self.rectangles:
ret, relPos = rect.checkPointInRectangle (self.pos, point)
if ret:
retVal = True
self.mousePos = relPos

return retVal

def checkPieceMatch (self, otherPiece):
retVal = False

if (self.orientation == otherPiece.getOrientation()):
for i in range(otherPiece.getNoOfRectangles()):
otherRect = otherPiece.getRectangle (i)
for rect in self.rectangles:
ret, relPos = rect.checkRectagleMatch (self.pos,
otherPiece.getRectangleAbsPos (i))
if ret:
retVal = True
# Calculate the relative position of the other piece
posOtherPiece = (relPos[0] - otherRect.getPosition()[0],
relPos[1] - otherRect.getPosition()[1])

# Include the rectangles in this piece
for j in range(otherPiece.getNoOfRectangles()):
otherRect = otherPiece.getRectangle(j)
self.addRectangle (otherRect,
(posOtherPiece[0] + otherRect.getPosition()[0],
posOtherPiece[1] + otherRect.getPosition()[1]))


return retVal

def movePiece (self, newPos):
self.pos = (newPos[0] - self.mousePos[0],
newPos[1] - self.mousePos[1])

def incrementOrientation (self):
self.orientation = rectangle.nextOrientation (self.orientation)
for i in range(len(self.rectangles)):

def getOrientation (self):
return self.orientation

The board.py file contains the Board class that creates the gui panel and manages the events.

import wx
import stateDB
import rectangle

class Board(wx.Panel):
boardId = 77
def __init__ (self, parent, pieces, count, seconds, allowRotation=True):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent)

self.db = stateDB.StateDB()

self.pieces = pieces
self.dragged = None
self.count = count
self.completed = False

self.seconds = seconds
self.timer = wx.Timer (self, wx.ID_ANY)
self.Bind (wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer, self.timer)
self.timer.Start (1000, False)
self.printStatus ()

self.Bind (wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
self.Bind (wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnDown)
self.Bind (wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnUp)
self.Bind (wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMouseMotion)
if allowRotation:
self.Bind (wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRight)

def SaveStatus(self):
self.db.initiateDB ()
self.db.saveEverything (Board.boardId, self.count, self.seconds, \

def printStatus (self):
mins = self.seconds%(60*60)/60
minStr = str(mins)
if (mins < 10):
minStr = '0' + minStr
secs = self.seconds%60
secStr = str(secs)
if (secs < 10):
secStr = '0' + secStr
timeStr = str(self.seconds/(60*60)) + ':' + minStr + ':' + secStr

if self.completed:
status = 'Completed: ' + timeStr
status = str(self.count) + ': ' + timeStr
self.GetParent().statusbar.SetStatusText (status)

def OnTimer (self, e):
if not self.completed:
self.seconds += 1
self.printStatus ()

def OnPaint (self, e):
dc = wx.PaintDC(self)

for p in self.pieces:
p.drawPiece (dc)

def OnDown (self, e):
mousePos = e.GetPosition()

# The iteration is reversed so the piece on top is choosen
indexes = range(len(self.pieces))
for i in indexes:
if self.pieces[i].checkPointInPiece (mousePos):
# Put the selected at the end of the list so it's painted the last
p = self.pieces[i]
del self.pieces[i]
self.dragged = len(self.pieces) -1

def OnUp (self, e):
if self.dragged != None:
mousePos = e.GetPosition()
for i in range(len(self.pieces)):
if (self.dragged != i):
if self.pieces[self.dragged].checkPieceMatch (\
del self.pieces[i]
self.count += 1
self.printStatus ()
self.SaveStatus ()
if len(self.pieces) == 1:
if (self.pieces[0].getOrientation() ==\
self.db.RemoveDBFile ()
self.completed = True
self.printStatus ()

self.dragged = None

def OnMouseMotion (self, e):
if self.dragged != None:
mousePos = e.GetPosition()
self.pieces[self.dragged].movePiece (mousePos)

def OnRight (self, e):
mousePos = e.GetPosition()
indexes = range(len(self.pieces))
for i in indexes:
if self.pieces[i].checkPointInPiece (mousePos):
newPos = self.pieces[i].calculateCenterPosition()
self.pieces[i].changeRelPosition (newPos)
self.pieces[i].checkPointInPiece (mousePos)
if len(self.pieces) == 1:
if (self.pieces[0].getOrientation() == \
self.completed = True
self.printStatus ()

class Puzzle (wx.Frame):
def __init__ (self, parent, id, title, pieces, boardSize, count,
seconds, allowRotation=True):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=boardSize)

self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar()
self.board = Board(self, pieces, count, seconds, allowRotation)


The state of the puzzle is stored in a sqlite database. The access to database is implemented in a file called stateDB.py.

import sqlite3
import os
import piece
import rectangle
import wx

class StateDB (object):
# Names of the tables
boardTable = 'board'
pieceTable = 'piece'
rectangleTable = 'rectangle'
relationTable = 'relation'

# The name of the DB file
DBFileName = '.puzzle.db'

# field names
ekey= 'key'
BTcount = 'count'
BTseconds = 'seconds'

PTboard = 'board'
PTposx = 'posx'
PTposy = 'posy'
PTorientation = 'orientation'

RTpiece = 'piece'
RTsizex = 'sizex'
RTsizey = 'sizey'
RTposx = 'posx'
RTposy = 'posy'
RTcompx = 'compx'
RTcompy = 'compy'
RTimage = 'image'
RTmask = 'mask'

RTsource = 'source'
RTdest = 'dest'
RTrelx = 'relx'
RTrely = 'rely'
RelTCompX = 'compX'
RelTCompY = 'compY'

def __init__ (self):
self.con = None
self.cur = None

def OpenDB (self):
self.con = sqlite3.connect (StateDB.DBFileName)
self.cur = self.con.cursor ()

def CloseDB (self):
self.cur = None
self.con = None

def RemoveDBFile (self):
if os.path.exists (StateDB.DBFileName):
os.remove (StateDB.DBFileName)

def isThereADBFile (self):
return os.path.exists (StateDB.DBFileName)

def CreateTables (self):
createBT = 'CREATE TABLE ' + StateDB.boardTable + ' (' + \
StateDB.ekey + ' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' + \
StateDB.BTcount + ' INTEGER,' +\
StateDB.BTseconds + ' INTEGER)'
self.cur.execute (createBT)

createPT = 'CREATE TABLE ' + StateDB.pieceTable + ' (' + \
StateDB.ekey + ' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' + \
StateDB.PTboard + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.PTposx + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.PTposy + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.PTorientation + ' INTEGER, ' + \
'FOREIGN KEY (' + StateDB.PTboard + ') REFERENCES ' + \
StateDB.boardTable + '(' + StateDB.ekey + '))'
self.cur.execute (createPT)

createRT = 'CREATE TABLE ' + StateDB.rectangleTable + '(' + \
StateDB.ekey + ' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' + \
StateDB.RTpiece + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RTsizex + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RTsizey + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RTposx + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RTposy + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RTcompx + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RTcompy + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RTimage + ' BLOB, ' + \
StateDB.RTmask + ' BLOB, ' + \
'FOREIGN KEY (' + StateDB.RTpiece + ') REFERENCES ' + \
StateDB.pieceTable + '(' + StateDB.ekey + '))'
self.cur.execute (createRT)

createRT = 'CREATE TABLE ' + StateDB.relationTable + '(' + \
StateDB.ekey + ' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' + \
StateDB.RTsource + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RTdest + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RTrelx + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RTrely + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RelTCompX + ' INTEGER, ' + \
StateDB.RelTCompY + ' INTEGER, ' + \
'FOREIGN KEY (' + StateDB.RTsource + ') REFERENCES ' + \
StateDB.rectangleTable + '(' + StateDB.ekey + '), ' + \
'FOREIGN KEY (' + StateDB.RTdest + ') REFERENCES ' + \
StateDB.rectangleTable + '(' + StateDB.ekey + '))'
self.cur.execute (createRT)

def initiateDB (self):
self.RemoveDBFile ()
self.OpenDB ()
self.CreateTables ()
self.CloseDB ()

def saveBoard (self, id, count, seconds):
query = 'INSERT INTO ' + StateDB.boardTable + ' VALUES (?,?,?)'
self.cur.execute (query, (id, count, seconds))

def saveRelation (self, rectId, rel):
query = ' INSERT INTO ' + StateDB.relationTable + '(' + \
StateDB.RTsource + ',' + StateDB.RTdest + ',' + \
StateDB.RTrelx + ',' + StateDB.RTrely + ', ' + \
StateDB.RelTCompX + ', ' + StateDB.RelTCompY + ') ' + \
' VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?) '
entry = (rectId, rel[0], rel[1][0], rel[1][1],rel[2],rel[3])
self.cur.execute (query, entry)

def saveRectangle (self, pieceId, rect):
query = ' INSERT INTO ' + StateDB.rectangleTable + \
' VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) '
size = rect.getSize ()
pos = rect.getPosition()
imData = rect.getImage().GetData()
maskData = rect.getMask().GetData()
entry = (rect.getId(), pieceId, size[0], size[1], pos[0], pos[1],
rect.compX, rect.compY, sqlite3.Binary(imData),
self.cur.execute (query, entry)
for rel in rect.relations:
self.saveRelation (rect.getId(), rel)

def savePiece (self, boardId, piece):
query = ' INSERT INTO ' + StateDB.pieceTable + ' VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) '
pos = piece.getPosition()
entry = (piece.getId(), boardId,pos[0], pos[1], piece.getOrientation())
self.cur.execute (query, entry)
for i in range(piece.getNoOfRectangles()):
self.saveRectangle (piece.getId(), piece.getRectangle(i))

def saveEverything (self, id, count, seconds, pieces):
self.OpenDB ()
self.saveBoard (id, count, seconds)
for piece in pieces:
self.savePiece (id, piece)
self.CloseDB ()

def readRelations (self, rectId):
relations = []
query = 'SELECT * FROM ' + StateDB.relationTable + ' WHERE ' + \
StateDB.RTsource + '=' + str(rectId)
relList = self.cur.fetchall ()
for entry in relList:
r = [entry[2], (entry[3], entry[4]), entry[5], entry[6]]
relations.append (r)
return relations

def readRectangles (self, pieceId):
rectangles = []
query = 'SELECT * FROM ' + StateDB.rectangleTable + ' WHERE ' + \
StateDB.RTpiece + '=' + str(pieceId)
rectList = self.cur.fetchall ()
for entry in rectList:
im = wx.ImageFromData (entry[2], entry[3], entry[8])
mask = wx.ImageFromData (entry[2], entry[3], entry[9])
im.SetMaskFromImage (mask, 255, 255, 255)
rels = self.readRelations (entry[0])
r = rectangle.Rectangle (entry[0], (im, mask),\
(entry[2], entry[3]), rels, entry[6], entry[7])
pos = (entry[4], entry[5])
rectangles.append((r, pos))
return rectangles

def readPieces (self, boardId):
pieces = []
query = 'SELECT * FROM ' + StateDB.pieceTable + ' WHERE ' + \
StateDB.PTboard + '=' + str(boardId)
self.cur.execute (query)
pieceList = self.cur.fetchall ()
for entry in pieceList:
p = piece.Piece (entry[0])
p.setPosition ((entry[2], entry[3]))
rectangles = self.readRectangles (entry[0])
for r in rectangles:
p.addRectangle (r[0], r[1])
p.setOrientation (entry[4])
pieces.append (p)
return pieces

def readBoard (self, id):
count = -1
pieces = []

query = 'SELECT ' + StateDB.BTcount + ', ' + StateDB.BTseconds +\
' FROM ' + StateDB.boardTable +\
' WHERE ' + StateDB.ekey + '=' + str(id)
self.cur.execute (query)
countList = self.cur.fetchall ()
if countList != None:
count = countList[0][0]
seconds = countList[0][1]
pieces = self.readPieces(id)

return count, seconds, pieces

Finally, the main file, puzzle.py, takes an image creates all the pieces automatically and then starts the GUI.


import wx
import random
import piece
import rectangle
import stateDB
import board

def createMask (sizeX, sizeY, overlap, dims, pos):
theBuffer = bytearray()

w = 255
b = 0

leftLimit = (sizeX/2) - overlap/2
rightLimit = (sizeX/2) +overlap/2
topLimit = (sizeY/2) - overlap/2
bottomLimit = (sizeY/2) + overlap/2

even = (((pos[0] + pos[1])% 2) == 0)

circleShift = 2
radiusSquare = ((overlap+circleShift)*(overlap+circleShift))/4

for j in range(sizeY ):
for i in range (sizeX ):
setWhite = False

setWhite = False
if (pos[0] < dims[0] -1):
if even:
if (i >= sizeX - overlap):
newJ = topLimit + (overlap /2) - j
newI = sizeX - (overlap/2) - circleShift -i
if (newI * newI + newJ * newJ) > radiusSquare:
setWhite = True
if (i >= sizeX - overlap):
setWhite = True
if (i < sizeX - overlap) and (i >= sizeX - overlap*2):
newJ = topLimit + (overlap /2) - j
newI = sizeX - (3*overlap/2) + circleShift -i
if (newI * newI + newJ * newJ) <= radiusSquare:
setWhite = True

if (pos[0] > 0):
if not even:
if (i < overlap):
setWhite = True
if (i >= overlap) and (i < overlap *2):
newI = (3*overlap/2) - circleShift -i
newJ = topLimit + (overlap/2) - j
if (newI * newI + newJ * newJ) <= radiusSquare:
setWhite = True
if (i < overlap):
newI = (overlap/2) + circleShift - i
newJ = topLimit + (overlap/2) -j
if (newI * newI + newJ * newJ) > radiusSquare:
setWhite = True

if (pos[1] < dims[1] - 1):
if not even:
if (j >= sizeY - overlap):
newI = leftLimit + (overlap/2) -i
newJ = sizeY - (overlap/2) - circleShift - j
if (newI * newI + newJ * newJ) > radiusSquare:
setWhite = True
if (j >= sizeY - overlap):
setWhite = True
if (j < sizeY - overlap) and (j >= sizeY - overlap*2):
newI = leftLimit + (overlap/2) -i
newJ = sizeY - (3*overlap/2) + circleShift - j
if (newI * newI + newJ * newJ) <= radiusSquare:
setWhite = True

if (pos[1] > 0):
if not even:
if (j < overlap):
newI = leftLimit + (overlap/2) -i
newJ = (overlap/2) +circleShift - j
if (newI * newI + newJ * newJ) > radiusSquare:
setWhite = True
if (j < overlap):
setWhite = True
if (j >= overlap) and (j < overlap * 2):
newI = leftLimit + (overlap/2) -i
newJ = (3*overlap/2) - circleShift - j
if (newI * newI + newJ * newJ) <= radiusSquare:
setWhite = True
if setWhite:
color = w
color = b
theBuffer.append (color)
theBuffer.append (color)
theBuffer.append (color)

return wx.ImageFromData (sizeX , sizeY, theBuffer)

def createPieceList (imFile, boardSize):
sizeX = 50
sizeY = 50
overlap = 12
im = wx.Image (imFile)
imW = im.GetWidth()
imH = im.GetHeight()
pieces = []

noOfRows = imH/sizeY
noOfCols = imW/sizeX

id = 0
for j in range (noOfRows):
for i in range (noOfCols):
# SubImage for each rectangle
iPos = 0
if i > 0:
iPos = i * sizeX - overlap
jPos = 0
if j > 0:
jPos = j * sizeY - overlap

curSizeX = sizeX + overlap
if i > 0 and i < noOfCols -1:
curSizeX += overlap
curSizeY = sizeY + overlap
if j > 0 and j < noOfRows -1:
curSizeY += overlap

r = wx.Rect (iPos, jPos, curSizeX, curSizeY)
imAux = im.GetSubImage (r)

mask = createMask (curSizeX, curSizeY, overlap, \
(noOfCols, noOfRows), (i, j))
imAux.SetMaskFromImage (mask, 255, 255, 255)

rels = []
if (i > 0):
if (i==1):
rels.append ([id-1,(-(sizeX-overlap), 0), -overlap, 0])
elif (i == (noOfCols - 1)):
rels.append ([id-1,(-(sizeX), 0), overlap, 0])
rels.append ([id-1,(-(sizeX), 0), 0, 0])
if (i < (noOfCols -1)):
if (i==0):
rels.append ([id+1, (sizeX-overlap, 0), overlap, 0])
elif (i == (noOfCols -2)):
rels.append ([id+1, (sizeX, 0), -overlap, 0])
rels.append ([id+1, (sizeX, 0), 0, 0])

if (j > 0):
if (j==1):
rels.append([id-noOfCols, (0, -(sizeY-overlap)), 0,
elif (j == (noOfRows -1)):
rels.append([id-noOfCols, (0, -(sizeY)), 0, overlap])
rels.append([id-noOfCols, (0, -(sizeY)), 0, 0])
if (j < (noOfRows - 1)):
if (j==0):
rels.append([id+noOfCols, (0, sizeY-overlap), 0, overlap])
elif (j == (noOfRows -2)):
rels.append([id+noOfCols, (0, sizeY), 0, -overlap])
rels.append([id+noOfCols, (0, sizeY), 0, 0])

compX, compY = calculateCompensantion (i, j, noOfRows, noOfCols,

rec = rectangle.Rectangle (id, (imAux, mask),
(curSizeX, curSizeY), rels, compX, compY)
p = piece.Piece (id)
p.addRectangle (rec, (0,0))
pieces.append (p)
id +=1

for i in range (len(pieces)):
pieces[i].setPosition ( (random.randint (10, boardSize[0] -300),\
random.randint(10, boardSize[1] -300)))
pieces[i].setOrientation (rectangle.getRandomOrientation())

return pieces

def calculateCompensantion (i, j, noOfRows, noOfCols, overlap):
compX = 0
compY = 0
if i==0:
compX = -overlap
elif i== (noOfCols -1):
compX = -overlap

if j==0:
compY = -overlap
elif j == (noOfRows -1):
compY = -overlap

return compX, compY

boardSize = (1000, 800)
app = wx.App ()
db = stateDB.StateDB()
count = -1
seconds = 0

if db.isThereADBFile ():
count, seconds, pieces = db.readBoard (board.Board.boardId)

if count <=0:
pieces= createPieceList ('im2.png', boardSize)
count = 0

board.Puzzle(None, -1, 'Puzzle', pieces, boardSize, count, seconds)