domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Python's urllib2 and podomatic

I'm creating for myself a small tool to download some podcasts. To do so, I use python and the urllib2 library. Everything went well with a number of sites until yesterday.

I discover this great podcast so I wanted to include it in the tool. The problem is that when I try to download the mp3 file I get a "httpError 403: Forbidden". This puzzles me because the web browser can access to file with no problem.

I started wireshark to look into the requests. I couldn't see any significant difference. So after a few tries I discover the issue was the User Agent field of the header. The library was sending something like:

User-agent: Python-urllib/2.6 /r/n

So I decided to change it. This is the code that does the trick:
user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'
headers ={'User-agent': user_agent}
req = urllib2.Request (url, headers=headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen (req)
except urllib2.URLError, e:
print ("Error: %(e)s with url: %(u)s" % {'e':e , 'u':url})

Now the question is why do they configure the server like that?

sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Downloading a flash stream audio and convert it to a mp3

I've created this python script to download a flash stream audio and then convert it to mp3. My idea was to download a radio program so I can listen to it later on a not-connected portable device. This script can't be used for live streams.

The script uses 3 programs rtmpdump, ffmpeg and lame. rtmpdump is a util to download a stream using rtmp protocol. It can be easily compiled; it depends on libssl and zlib. ffmpeg and lame should be available for any LInux distribution, I compiled them for MAC.

The first step is to download the contents with rtmpdump. It's not a good idea to download everything in one go; it might take a lot of time. I've implemented a multithread mechanism instead. The number of threads and the number of seconds to download can be configured. Each downloaded audio chunk is stored in a file.

The second step is convert all the chunk to pcm raw format and concatenate all of them in a single file. The ffmpeg program is used to do so.

Finally, the raw file is converted to mp3 using lame.

The script uses a considerable amount of disk space for the temporary files. I think the script can be used, with a little modification to download video streams but I haven't tried that.

Here is the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import subprocess
import os
import threading

def executeCommand (cmd):
p1 = subprocess.Popen (cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
out = p1.communicate()
return out

class ChunkDownloaderThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__ (self, downloader):
self._downloader = downloader

def run (self):
exitLoop = False
while not exitLoop:
cmd = self._downloader.getNextThreadCmd ()
if cmd == None:
exitLoop = True
executeCommand (cmd[0])
sys.stdout.write ( str(cmd[1]) + ' ')
sys.stdout.flush ()

class Downloader (object):
_rtmpDumpProgram = 'rtmpdump'
_ffmpegProgram = 'ffmpeg'
_lameProgram= 'lame'
_tmpFile = 'tempFile'
_tmpExtension = '.flv'
_rawExtension = '.raw'

def __init__ (self, chunkSize, noOfThreads):
""" The class constructor.
chunkSize: the size in seconds of each file chunk.
noOfThreads: the number of simultaneaous threads to use. """
self._chunkSize = chunkSize
self._noOfThreads = noOfThreads

def cleanTempFiles (self):
extensions = [self._tmpExtension, self._rawExtension ]
for e in extensions:
fileName = self._tmpFile + e
if os.path.isfile (fileName):
os.remove (fileName)

index = 0
exitLoop = False
while not exitLoop:
fileName = self._tmpFile + str(index) + self._tmpExtension
if os.path.isfile (fileName):
os.remove (fileName)
exitLoop = True
index += 1

def prepareDownloadCmd (self, url, destinationFile):
cmd = [self._rtmpDumpProgram]
cmd += ['-r', url, '-o', destinationFile]
return cmd

def findDuration (self, url):
duration = 0.0
fileName = self._tmpFile + self._tmpExtension
cmd = self.prepareDownloadCmd (url, fileName)

# Download just one second
cmd += ['-B', '1']
output = executeCommand(cmd)[1]
output = output.split ('\n')
for line in output:
durationStr = 'duration'
infoStr = 'INFO:'
pos = line.find (infoStr)
if pos > -1:
pos = line.find (durationStr)
if pos > -1:
duration = line[pos + len(durationStr):].strip()
duration = float(duration)
return duration

def downloadChunk (self, url, tempFile, firstSecond=0.0, lastSecond=0.0):
cmd = self.prepareDownloadCmd (url, tempFile)
if firstSecond != 0.0:
cmd += ['-A', str(firstSecond)]
if lastSecond != 0.0:
cmd += ['-B', str(lastSecond)]
return cmd

def getNextThreadCmd (self):
retVal = None
self.theLock.acquire (True)
if self.currentChunk < self.totalChunks:
auxIndex = self.currentChunk
cmd = self.downloadChunk (self.url, self.chunkList[auxIndex][2],
retVal = [cmd, auxIndex]
self.currentChunk += 1

self.theLock.release ()

return retVal

def downloadFile (self, url):
duration = self.findDuration (url)

self.chunkList = []
chSize = float (self._chunkSize)
begin = 0.0
end = chSize
index = 0
while (begin < duration):
if end >= duration:
end = 0.0
fileName = self._tmpFile + str(index) + self._tmpExtension
self.chunkList.append ([begin, end, fileName])
begin += chSize
end += chSize
index += 1

self.totalChunks = index
self.currentChunk = 0
self.url = url
self.theLock = threading.Lock()
index = 0

sys.stdout.write ('Total ' + str(self.totalChunks) + '\n')
sys.stdout.flush ()

threads = []
for i in range (0, self._noOfThreads):
t = ChunkDownloaderThread (self)
threads.append (t)

for t in threads:
for t in threads:

sys.stdout.write ('\n')
sys.stdout.flush ()
return self.totalChunks

def concatenateFile (self, totalChunks):
# Flv to raw command
cmd = [self._ffmpegProgram, '-i']
completeCmd = ['-vn', '-f', 'u16le', '-acodec', 'pcm_s16le',
'-ac', '2', '-ab', '128k', '-ar', '44100', '-']#, '<', '/dev/null']
tempRawFile = self._tmpFile + self._rawExtension
f = open (tempRawFile, "wb")
sys.stdout.write ('Concatenate: \n')
sys.stdout.flush ()
for i in range (0, totalChunks):
flvFile = self._tmpFile + str(i) + self._tmpExtension
toExe = cmd + [flvFile] + completeCmd

output = executeCommand (toExe)
f.write (output[0])
sys.stdout.write (str (i) + ' ')
sys.stdout.flush ()
# Delete the chunk to save disk space
os.remove (flvFile)
sys.stdout.write ('\n')
sys.stdout.flush ()

f.close ()

def convertToMp3 (self, destination):
tempRawFile = self._tmpFile + self._rawExtension
cmd = [self._lameProgram, '-r', '-s', '44.1', '--preset', 'cd',
tempRawFile, destination]
sys.stdout.write ('Converting to mp3\n')
sys.stdout.flush ()
executeCommand (cmd)
sys.stdout.write ('Done\n')
sys.stdout.flush ()

def downloadAndConvertFile (self, url, destination):
totalChunks = self.downloadFile (url)
self.concatenateFile (totalChunks)
self.convertToMp3 (destination)
self.cleanTempFiles ()

if __name__ == '__main__':
D = Downloader(60, 15)

D.downloadAndConvertFile (sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])