Another problem about creating automatic reports in html. In this case, we need to show the duration of cetain events graphically. It is expressed in a percentange of a total.
The first idea is to use a progress bar as defined by html5:
def printProgress2 (percent):
progStr = str(percent) + " "
progStr += '<progress value="' + \
str(percent) + '" max="100"></progress>'
return progStr
And the result is something like:
33 <progress value="33" max="100"></progress>
This is not to bad but I don't totally like the animations that show some navigators. So my next approach is to use a html5 rectangle. This is the function:
def printProgress1 (percent):
progStr = " "
v = percent * 150 / 100
progStr += '<svg width="160" height="25">'
progStr += '<rect x="5" y="3" width="' + \
str(v) + '" height="19" style="fill:rgb(148, 148, 210)"/>'
progStr += '<text x="6" y="20">' + str (percent) + "%</text>"
progStr += '<,/svg>'
return progStr
And the result is something like:
<svg width="160" height="25"><rect x="5" y="3" width="4" height="19"
style="fill:rgb(148, 148, 210)"/><text x="6" y="20">3%</text></svg>
This is not bad but now the problem is that not all the navigators like html5 and outlook does not like it either. So the idea I came out with is to use the width of the table cells and change their background color to show the duration:
def getDurationHtml (self, percent):
""" This function returns the contents of the duration cell based in the percentage. """
durationStr = '<td><table><tr><td width="45">' + str (percent) + '%</td>'
first = percent
second = 100 - first
durationStr += '<td width="' + str (first) + '" bgcolor="#7070C0"></td>'
if second > 0:
durationStr += '<td width="' + str (second) + '"></td>'
durationStr += '</tr></table>'
return durationStr
And this is the result:
<table><tr><td width="45">33%</td><td width="33" bgcolor="#7070C0"></td>
<td width="67"> </td></tr></table>
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