sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015

Report the duration using html

Another problem about creating automatic reports in html. In this case, we need to show the duration of cetain events graphically. It is expressed in a percentange of a total. The first idea is to use a progress bar as defined by html5:

def printProgress2 (percent):
    progStr = str(percent) + " "
    progStr += '<progress value="' + \
               str(percent) + '" max="100"></progress>'
    return progStr
And the result is something like:

33 <progress value="33" max="100"></progress>
This is not to bad but I don't totally like the animations that show some navigators. So my next approach is to use a html5 rectangle. This is the function:

def printProgress1 (percent):
    progStr = " "
    v = percent * 150 / 100
    progStr += '<svg width="160" height="25">'
    progStr += '<rect x="5" y="3" width="' + \
               str(v) + '" height="19" style="fill:rgb(148, 148, 210)"/>'
    progStr += '<text x="6" y="20">' + str (percent) + "%</text>"
    progStr += '<,/svg>'
    return progStr
And the result is something like:

<svg width="160" height="25"><rect x="5" y="3" width="4" height="19" 
   style="fill:rgb(148, 148, 210)"/><text x="6" y="20">3%</text></svg>
This is not bad but now the problem is that not all the navigators like html5 and outlook does not like it either. So the idea I came out with is to use the width of the table cells and change their background color to show the duration:

def getDurationHtml (self, percent):
        """ This function returns the contents of the duration cell based in the percentage. """
        durationStr = '<td><table><tr><td width="45">' + str (percent) + '%</td>'
        first = percent
        second = 100 - first
        durationStr += '<td width="' + str (first) + '" bgcolor="#7070C0"></td>'
        if second > 0:
            durationStr += '<td width="' + str (second) + '"></td>'
        durationStr += '</tr></table>'
        return durationStr
And this is the result:

<table><tr><td width="45">33%</td><td width="33" bgcolor="#7070C0"></td>
  <td width="67"> </td></tr></table>

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